We are inviting the potential authors from various fields which include academics, industries and agencies to participate as an author in the Jendela : Buletin Perpustakaan. We believe that your contribution to the information science, management and services field is unparalleled and will be of great benefit for your professionalism and business. Jendela : Buletin Perpustakaan provide a wonderful opportunity to present your ideas, new knowledge discovery and news of events.
a. Format:
i. At least 3 pages or 1,000 words and not exceed 6 pages or 2,500 words.
ii. Font: Calibri, 11 pt.; Lines Spacing: 1.5 lines ; margin: default
iii. Title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s)
iv. Abstract (Should not exceed 300 words)
v. Keywords
vi. Main subject text
vii. Acknowledgments (if applicable)
viii. The final section will be the references in APA style (there are must have at least 3 references)
SAMPLE: Click Here
2. Participation of short-term training / seminar/ proceeding /conference / competition / events
(Rencana / Coretan Peristiwa)
a. Format:
i. At least 1 page in 2 columns or 700 words and not exceed 4 pages in 2 columns or 2,000 words
ii. Font: Calibri, 11 pt.; Lines Spacing: 1.5 lines ; margin: default
iii. Title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s)
iv. Keywords
v. Main subject text
vi. Acknowledgments (if applicable)
SAMPLE: Click Here
3. Book review / analysis on librarianship current issues / scientific commentary / instructive anecdote
a. Format:
i. At least 1 page in 2 columns or 700 words and not exceed 3 pages in 2 columns or 1,800 words
ii. Font: Calibri, 11 pt.; Lines Spacing: 1.5 lines ; margin: default
iii. Title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s)
iv. Keywords
v. Main subject text
vi. Acknowledgments (if applicable)
vii. The final section will be the references in APA style (there are must have at least 3 references)
SAMPLE: Click Here
Other sample may refer to previous coverage - CLICK HERE
Bahasa Malaysia or English
Therefore the authors must:
We are uphold Open Access Initiatives and agreed to adopt Creative Common License principles in certain aspects for copyright policy.
Therefore authors have the rights:
Type of Materials
1. Semi-scholarly articlesa. Format:
i. At least 3 pages or 1,000 words and not exceed 6 pages or 2,500 words.
ii. Font: Calibri, 11 pt.; Lines Spacing: 1.5 lines ; margin: default
iii. Title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s)
iv. Abstract (Should not exceed 300 words)
v. Keywords
vi. Main subject text
vii. Acknowledgments (if applicable)
viii. The final section will be the references in APA style (there are must have at least 3 references)
SAMPLE: Click Here
2. Participation of short-term training / seminar/ proceeding /conference / competition / events
(Rencana / Coretan Peristiwa)
a. Format:
i. At least 1 page in 2 columns or 700 words and not exceed 4 pages in 2 columns or 2,000 words
ii. Font: Calibri, 11 pt.; Lines Spacing: 1.5 lines ; margin: default
iii. Title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s)
iv. Keywords
v. Main subject text
vi. Acknowledgments (if applicable)
SAMPLE: Click Here
3. Book review / analysis on librarianship current issues / scientific commentary / instructive anecdote
a. Format:
i. At least 1 page in 2 columns or 700 words and not exceed 3 pages in 2 columns or 1,800 words
ii. Font: Calibri, 11 pt.; Lines Spacing: 1.5 lines ; margin: default
iii. Title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s)
iv. Keywords
v. Main subject text
vi. Acknowledgments (if applicable)
vii. The final section will be the references in APA style (there are must have at least 3 references)
SAMPLE: Click Here
Other sample may refer to previous coverage - CLICK HERE
Bahasa Malaysia or English
Ethics Principle
We are adopted Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines promoted by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) even though Jendela : Buletin Perpustakaan is a non-official member.Therefore the authors must:
- To make sure the originality, credibility of the papers.
- The papers may not or must not yet been published elsewhere or any type of platforms.
- Data, figures, images must be cited if the materials were not came from the authors.
We are uphold Open Access Initiatives and agreed to adopt Creative Common License principles in certain aspects for copyright policy.
Therefore authors have the rights:
- To publish and distribute a work in print or other media; but, must put an original link for the full text from our Institutional repositories (IRs).
- To reproduce it (e.g.: photocopying in printed materials).
- To prepare translations or other derivative works.
- To perform or display publicly; but, must put an original link for the full text from our Institutional repositories (IRs).
- To authorize others to exercise any of these rights with our permission.
Submission of Articles
Submission must send through email: rosnaniahmad@usm.my or jendelausm@gmail.com
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